Sunday 14 September 2014

Task Threeeeee

Question 1- What were your expectations on starting the course? 
That it would be mostly make up and lots of theory, I didn't expect to have to be working with hair as extensively as we are, there's a lot of practical which I like.

Question 2- What are your initial thoughts on West College Scotland and the Media make up course?
Everybody is really nice, it's a very intense course and I've seen my own make-up skills improve because of it. Especially hair.

Question 3- What is your funniest moment of college life so far? 
Thinking that I was still fit enough to go up the stairs at 9 am on a Tuesday morning. Turns out I'm not very fit at all.

Question 4- What is the most interesting thing you have learned or learned how to do so far? 
How to make prosthetic pieces, I've always wanted to know how to make them, it's a lot easier and faster than I thought it would be.

Question 5- Who is your make up idol?
Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell.... any star of the 50's/60's. My make-up artist idol would be Dick Smith or Allan Snyder

Question 6- Why do you want to be a MUA? 
I would like to take my skills into a real career and travel around the world and meet different people (hopefully Johnny Depp), I think it is a very fulfilling career to be in and one I can see myself being happy in.

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